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SKU: HI83749-20 Categorie: ,

HI83749-20 Bentocheck Solution

32,00 + 22% IVA

10521 disponibili (ordinabile)

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The HI83749-20 Bentocheck Solution is used with the HI83749 Portable Turbidity and Bentocheck Meter for determining trubidity levels and protein stability in wine. Adding the Bentocheck Solution helps establish if bentonite fining agent is needed to stabilize the wine.

  • Pre-measured solution
  • Clearly marked expiration date and lot number
  • Light block bottle

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By using the HI83749 for turbidity measurements, winemakers can calculate initial turbidity, before the HI83749-20 Bentocheck Solution is added. Once the pre-made solution is added to the wine sample, a second turbidity measurement is taken. If the second turbidity reading is less than the initial turbidity reading plus 2, the wine can be considered stable. Otherwise, winemakers can perform a procedure to determine the adequate amount of bentonite that must be added to stabilize their wine and verify with the HI83749.

Confezione: Bottle
Quantità: 1
Volume: 100 mL

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