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pH Mini Controller – BL981411

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The BL981411 is a compact, pH process controller designed for applications where space or cost is important. The device contains a high impedance pH input and may be used with any pH electrode with a standard BNC connector. It’s adjustable dosing relay may be configured to dose above or below a user programmable pH setpoint. Users may choose from automatic or manual dosing modes allowing for easy maintenance and troubleshooting.

Large Clear LCD

A large LCD clearly displays the parameter you are monitoring.

Fire Retardant Casing

Special materials provide additional protection in the event of an emergency.

BNC Connection

The controller’s high impedance pH input may be used with any pH electrode with a standard BNC connector.

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Adjustable Dosing Relay

The BL981411 features a dosing relay which may be configured to dose above or below a user programmable pH setpoint.

Selectable Overdose Protection

The mini controller may be programmed to deactivate a valve, pump, or connected device if its activation continues over a selected time; adjustable from 5 to 30 minutes.

Selectable Control Override

With the flick of a switch, normal “Auto” operation may be overridden turning your connected device “Off” from operation or always “On.”


Fuse Protected Dosing Contacts

The mini controller is protected for up to a 2A load from a connected pump or device.

Easy Peripheral Connection

Quick-connect terminal blocks provide for easy connection to power, communication, dosing control, or sensors.

Matching Pin Connection

An included matching pin option helps protect the sensor from ground loop effects that may lead to erratic readings or system damage.


Front View

Installation cut-out dimensions are provided as well as outside panel dimensions.


Side View

Adjustable location brackets allow the controller to slide easily and securely into place..

Scala pH: 0.0 to 14.0 pH
Risoluzione pH: 0.1 pH
Accuratezza pH: ±0.2 pH
Calibrazione pH: manual, through CAL (offset) trimmer
Relè di Dosaggio pH: maximum 2A (fuse protected), 250 Vac

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